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Jason Varone, “Dromospheric Pollution,” 2011. 4 channel video installation, ink on wall.

Jason Varone’s work is inspired by Western civilization’s simultaneous complexity of technological advances and imminent decline from lack of natural resources. He combines video and painting with appropriated news footage and electronic data, removing any distinctions or boundaries between them. His “videopaintings” underline the impermanence and constant bombardment of transmitted information to a society that is fixated on alternately obsessing over or ignoring electronic messages.

A graduate of New York University, Varone lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. He has exhibited in galleries and museums including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Boston Center for the Arts, The British Film Institute, The International Center of Photography, Art in General, and Hendershot Gallery in New York City. Examples of his work can be found on www.varonearts.org.